More Repairs, More Vitamins

While we are in deep sleep we make repairs. Every repair requires vitamins. Every cell in our body uses the B vitamins to make energy. Some B vitamins are used to make proteins or nucleic acids that repair our DNA. Vitamin D goes into the nucleus of the cell and tells it to make specific proteins. To repair every organ we have to repair every cell. We make cell membranes, cellular scaffolding, cellular transport systems. We repair every organ in every cell. To give you an idea of what is going on inside your cells go to:

The Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research has sponsored a beautiful, animated video about the complexity of our cells, showing you just how complicated their daily life is. When we don’t stay in deep sleep long enough, we put off repairs. Every night that we don’t sleep normally our brain makes a list of everything that we’ve put off. When we return to deep sleep we will need enough vitamins to make all the repairs that we put off. Once there are many months of normal sleep and all the “extra repairs” have been successfully made we arrive at “normal, nightly maintenance”. At this point, the amount of vitamins used every night will be less and we will need to reduce the supplements. (See following blogs about what happens when we take more B vitamins than we need.)

In the patient examples given in the blog  “Vitamins Can Hurt You”  both Steven and Evelyn have vitamin D blood levels of 20 ng/ml, but their stories are very different. Because Evelyn has been sicker longer it might take bigger vitamin D doses for a much longer period of time for Evelyn to get her D level up to the ideal range for better sleep. When Steven got his D level up he started to sleep better right away, but Evelyn’s sleep switches have been D deficient for so long that they have many repairs to make, and it will take much longer for Evelyn’s sleep to become normal, even after her D level is ideal. She is much more likely to require a CPAP mask or an oral appliance or sleeping pills to coax her brain into normal sleep. Then, once the sleep switches are fully repaired she may need to lower the pressure on the CPAP machine or lower the dose of the sleeping medications.

In order to use the techniques described in the RightSleep® Workbook you MUST be able to do vitamin D levels frequently. YOU must observe your own body and make records of what you did and what blood level resulted. (Your doctor does not know this material, so you cannot rely on his or her help. Even the vitamin D “experts” disagree on the “right” blood level.) The vitamins are only a part of the picture and none of the information on this site will fix a person who isn’t willing to put in many months of commitment.  There’s work involved, learning about your own body and responding to what it’s telling you.


5 thoughts on “More Repairs, More Vitamins”

  1. Dr. Gominak, I wonder if you might clarify something that you mention in your videos where you discuss patients who have burning in their hands and feet as an indication of too little or too much B vitamins. Was that felt in the skin of the hands and feet or in the joints?
    Thank you so much for all the information you’ve provided – finally know what’s been wrong with me for years that my doctor couldn’t identify!


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